How to train your American Bully properly!
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Have you ever thought that dogs can actually display body language? Some dog experts state that dogs can really use a body language. We humans should better understand this fact if we want to strengthen our relations with our beloved doggies. Probably your dog often jumps on you or licks your face. Dog experts claim that this is not always out of joy. Sometimes it can be about choosing the type of human-dog relations. Sometimes when we see our dog playing in the park with another dog, we think that this is how they play and have fun. According to some dog experts, sometimes such behavior can be about control and domination.
When time passes, every dog owner starts realizing his dog's body language. If we can understand dogs' body language, we can improve our dog's behavior. In order to practice this, dog experts suggest not to allow a dog to jump on us, and sometimes it is better to avoid noisy games that can make a dog believe he can compete with us. They say that one thing to do is to act superior and to show your dog who is the leader on your team.
There is an opinion that if you let a dog take control over you, that dog may become aggressive. Such a dog will not follow human's commands and may become uncontrollable. Dog experts assure that it's up to us whether our dog will be obedient or not. One group of dog specialists has conducted a research in which they watched a group of dogs. They came to the conclusion that the dominating dog interacts in a particular way with its "subordinates". They remain calm and confident while "subordinate" dogs pay attention to the leading dog. Specialists advise dog owners to act like leaders. It is not advised to treat a dog as if he is a child otherwise he may accept such an attitude as a negative one.

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